Do UV Lights Need to Be On All the Time?

Another important reason for not continuously turning on and off the UV system is that it will considerably shorten the life of the ballast or controller. The same happens if the lamp is left in the UV system for more than 12 months. Do microorganisms need to be in sight of the UVC to kill them? Yes, if UVC rays are used, germs must be directly irradiated for UVC to destroy them. Reflected ultraviolet ultraviolet radiation can affect germs, but it takes longer and must be closer to the reflected light source.

Few materials (mainly polished aluminum and magnesium oxide) effectively reflect UVC rays. Residential systems tend to be smaller and the entire volume of air takes longer to circulate through them. These systems clean the air slowly but continuously. Over time, this dramatically reduces viral and bacterial loads in indoor air.

Household UV systems may not eliminate all pathogens instantly, but with a little more time, they're still doing a great job cleaning the air. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), passing all air through UV light removes approximately 99.9% of contaminants. The UV sterilizer for aquariums must be turned on and running 24 hours a day, every day. The exceptions would be to install the tank before there are fish in it, adding beneficial bacteria to the water, since UV light kills bacteria, or if you use a medication that stipulates that UV rays must be turned off.

Studies have shown that certain harmful organisms die when exposed to specific wavelengths of UV rays. Even if someone in your house coughs or sneezes, UV light combined with air conditioning will circulate air and destroy any bacteria. The coil area tends to have a lot of condensation and moisture buildup, so an ultraviolet light will prevent any mold growth in this area. As stated above, UV lights are necessary to destroy mold, mildew and other undesirable elements of the air conditioning system.

The lamp emits ultraviolet light that greatly reduces or eliminates germs such as mold, bacteria, spores, fungi and viruses that circulate through the HVAC system. UVC air purifiers have UV lights inside the HVAC system, where light rays don't fall directly on you. However, an ultraviolet light that makes your electricity bill so high that you turn it off doesn't help you either; it gives the mold a chance to regroup. We have talked about the importance of the power of ultraviolet light, since it is the basis for destroying bacteria and viruses.

Some marine breeders like to use UV rays intermittently so that phytoplankton and zooplankton can feed and travel through the system without being eliminated, but this also allows parasites to do the same, so it doesn't make sense to install an ultraviolet light in the system to help protect fish from parasites with stages where they can swim freely. Cleaning the air with UV lights will eliminate irritating pathogens and help alleviate allergens that may be floating around your home, thus improving the overall quality of indoor air. Some materials found in ducts or inside the air conditioning unit can be sensitive to UV rays and become damaged over time. If the ultraviolet or UV system is used seasonally, say for 6 months this year, and then drained and unplugged, you can use it for next year's season for another 6 months before having to replace the lamp with a replacement lamp.

Depending on the model you choose, the UV lights will be constantly on or synchronized with your air conditioner. Simple and simple UV lights have the ability to kill bacteria and viruses in the air, improving overall air quality and reducing the risk of getting sick.

Grady Ungvarsky
Grady Ungvarsky

Proud sushi specialist. Freelance food aficionado. Wannabe coffee fan. Friendly pop culture junkie. Certified social media evangelist. Hardcore twitter junkie.